The duration of a session varies between 60 to 90 minutes depending on the case. The session begins with a discussion, where detailed questions are asked about the physical condition to be treated as well as your expectations and needs. The approach is done gently and gradually, always respecting your animal and its comfort. Osteopathic manipulations, Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as the use of acupuncture needles will be used depending on the situation or the patient's needs.
Each animal is unique and responds differently, but acupuncture brings well-being and relaxation, through its effects on the nervous system. Endorphins are released to provide a state of calm, relief and analgesia.
Needles insertion is usually done without pain or discomfort. The animal does not require sedation, and we welcome and encourage your presence all throughout the session, in order to minimize their restraint.
We use Traditional Chinese Medicine as a diagnostic tool guide to choose the herbs best suited to your pet's needs, whether from a western source or in the form of Chinese formulas. The plants are prepared in the form of powder, granules or tincture. They are administered orally, directly by mouth or mixed in water or with a light meal.
Acupuncture and osteopathy are holistic approaches that are both safe and effective. There may be some fatigue following the treatment, as natural endorphins are released. Following osteopathic manipulations, digestive signs can sometimes appear, but they are usually short-lived (24-48 hours). Caution is advised with patients suffering from neoplasia or pets in gestation.
We do not offer conventional medical care; you will need to contact your regular veterinarian or the clinic of your choice to obtain these services. However, Dre. Audet will be able to support and guide you, to ensure adequate follow-up with your veterinarian.
If you are concerned about your pet's condition, it is important to make an appointment with your regular veterinarian in order to properly assess its status and provide it with the necessary care. For emergencies or outside of opening hours, you must refer to your regular veterinary clinic or the nearest emergency medical service center.
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