« The garden of our body is to what the gardeners are to our decisions »

- William Shakespeare

Herbal Medicine

What is it?

Herbal Medecine is an alternative medicine based on the use of plants and their extracts with the aim of curing, relieving or preventing an illness. Herbal medicine devotes itself, through a holistic approach, to the effects of the plant as a whole and on the entire individual. It is complementary to conventional medicine.

How does it work?

Herbal medicine is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine’s multiple theories. The plants used, whether of Chinese or Western origin, have the particularity of having active ingredients acting on the body, in order to regulate and heal. The extracts used can be found in the form of tinctures or granules that are administered to your animal by mixing them into its bowl of water, food or directly into its mouth.

What conditions can be treated with plants?

Any animal can benefit from the treatment regardless of condition, age or situation. Herbal medicine can be used both as a complementary curative treatment and as a preventive treatment. It can be useful during acute inflammatory conditions (trauma, ligament ruptures) or chronic diseases (pain related to lameness, osteoarthritis, digestive disorders) and can also be beneficial with allergies, anxiety or hormonal disorders.

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