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Veterinary Osteopathy

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a manual therapy that considers the body as a whole where all organs and tissues are interconnected. This holistic medicine aims to regain balance by relieving tension and restoring movement where there was mobility restriction. It is an alternative medicine that emphasizes physical manipulation of the body’s different tissues and bones.

How does it work?

Through palpations and fine manipulations, areas of tension in the body are released and mobilized, thus increasing blood and lymphatic circulation. Due to the body's ability to self-regulate, it can regain a state of balance and health. The osteopathic veterinary doctor can work on different levels depending on the animal’s specific needs: facial, visceral, structural, fluid or energetic.

What conditions can be treated with osteopathy?

Any animal can benefit from a treatment regardless of condition, age or situation. Osteopathy can be used as a curative as well as a preventive treatment. This therapy is beneficial for chronic conditions (lameness, osteoarthritis, digestive or metabolic disorders) as well as for acute illnesses (trauma, lumbar or cervical disorders, ligament ruptures) or to release tension following surgeries or dentistry.

Under the law governed by the Order of Veterinary Doctors of Quebec, only veterinary doctors are authorized to offer complementary medicine care to animals.

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